Yoga is NOT Stretching & Stretching is NOT Yoga!

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I have had so many people tell me that they don’t need to stretch because they do yoga. 

I usually bite my tongue and say nothing in return, but my brain is saying, “YES YOU DO…YOU NEED TO STRETCH!”  

Here’s why…

If you Google search these 3 things:

1. What is the meaning of yoga?

2. What is the benefit of yoga?

3. What yoga does to your body?

You will read that the answers from all 3 questions describe yoga as calming the mind, increasing body awareness, relieving stress patterns, allowing for inner peace and harmony through physical and mental health, and giving strength and flexibility to the body.

Yoga is an amazing exercise and its popularity has soared over the past decade…

But yoga is NOT stretching!

There is a big difference between yoga and stretching.

Yoga poses are great strength-building exercises, where one side of the body is loaded and the other is extended.

When we stretch, there should be no strain or load on the body as we allow our muscles to elongate while moving through ranges of motion that open up deep, tight muscle tissue.  

Stretching also breaks down fascia and scar tissue in our bodies, which increases blood flow and circulation, leading to healing for damaged muscle tissue. Stretching also increases range of motion in our joints, reduces risk of injury, and keeps us active as we age.  

Last year during a stretching workshop I attended in California, yoga was a popular topic of discussion. These are some of my notes from that workshop:

1. Yoga is not stretching.

2. Yoga poses can override ligaments and tendons and can put joints at risk and override ones natural reflex.

3. Although flexibility if a major benefit of yoga, one should be cautious not to hyper-extend joints.

When we stretch, we are putting our attention on elongating muscles and relieving joints of strain. We are taking time out to find out what is going on with our bodies and giving it a chance to heal from the inside… naturally!

Yoga lovers, think of it like this: yoga & stretching are like yin & yang to each other—they are opposite forces that are complementary to each other.

When we do yoga, we are exercising our body and relaxing our mind.

When we stretch, we relax and elongate our muscles, allowing them to open up and recharge. Through stretching, we can return to exercise and going through daily life without pain and restricted range of motion. 

So yoga on… but stretch on, too!