3 Stretches Using A Foam Roller + How Rolling Saved My Life

I thought long and hard before I decided to title this blog post on stretching with a foam roller with the tagline “it saved my life.” I thought about saying “changed” instead of “saved,” but that word didn’t seem powerful enough for the true impact it has had on my life.

You see, the life that I love is extremely active and non-stop all day. I rarely sit down until I dive into bed at night. I would have it no other way.

When I suffered a hip injury four years ago, I could barely move for two months. If you’ve been part of The Power to Pause community for a while, you may know this story.

But maybe this is the part that you haven’t heard…

I had tried everything to relieve my pain and nothing was working. I was in a really bad place of discouragement and—yes, even depression—thinking that I would never be able to be active again, teach my fitness classes, and possibly facing surgery down the road. My pain was truly that extreme. I was distraught. 

When I finally resorted to using the foam roller that my boys had given me for Christmas, I couldn’t stop! I rolled and rolled and rolled some more. I watched every YouTube video I could find with instructions on how to stretch using a roller.

The more I rolled, the better my entire body felt. 

In a few days, I was walking across the floor with no pain. In a week, I was teaching classes again. Rolling had opened up my tight muscle tissue and allowed my body to heal itself.

It was a miracle! So, yes, rolling “saved” my life!

It also “changed” my life—forever.

As I healed, I knew that I had to share my experience with the world so others could “get unstuck” from their bodies. They could learn to roll their way out just like I did!

The Power To Pause was born then and there, and I am still spreading the word to anyone who will listen. 

My story isn’t the only successful one, though.

One of my students brought her husband to see me at my studio for a private session. I am pretty sure that he came kicking and screaming as most men usually do. (Sorry, men.)

It was my friend’s birthday on the day of his visit. She told him that a private session for him with me was what she wanted as her present. (What a lucky man to have such a loving and caring wife!) I was honored with his presence and impressed by her method to get him there.

As we eased our way through basic stretches, I could tell that he had let go of his resistance to stretching and was truly enjoying it. He must have started feeling better.

He was so tight in his neck and shoulders from sitting at his job hunched over his computer all day.

His energy changed as we stretched, and I could feel it. The problem was that I had saved the roller stretches for the last part of our session and I was afraid that his good energy may change. If you’ve ever stretched with a roller before, you know that rolling can sometimes be painful for first-timers.

I rolled him out anyway!

Surprisingly, he did not get discouraged. Just the opposite…

He became a believer!

He even bought a foam roller and came back for more sessions.

Recently, he and his wife went on a trip. She told me that his roller was the first thing he packed in his suitcase!

Who knows? Maybe it is “saving” his life. I believe it is!

When muscle tissue gets too tight, it restricts the movement of our muscles & joints and increases risk of injury and pain. Because of our discomfort we begin to move less, which restricts blood flow, oxygen, and circulation. This sets us up for health issues and can create inflammation in our muscle tissue and joints.

That’s where rolling comes in.

Rolling is a great way to reduce tight muscle tissue and allow our bodies to function at a higher level. It also increases our flexibility and range of motion.

It helps us “get unstuck” from our bodies!

And, yes, maybe even “save” our life.

If you have read this entire post, I am hoping that you are inspired to roll. You can find foam rollers from your local fitness store or online from Amazon and Target.

Now, grab your roller and try out these 3 stretches using a roller.

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1. Roller Calf Stretch

Our calves can be forgotten when it comes to stretching, but they need it just as much as other parts of our bodies! This roller stretch will address tight muscle tissue in our calves.

1. Be seated on the floor.

2. Place the roller beneath your calves.

3. Place one leg on top of your other leg in a stacked position.

4. Roll your leg from side to side on the foam roller, with pressure added from your top leg.

5. Do this stretch for 15 - 20 seconds for each leg.

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2. Roller Quad Stretch

This roller stretch elongates tight muscle tissue in your quads. This stretch is truly life-changing! I’ve had students whose hip or feet issues cleared up after they began rolling out their quads every day.

1. Lay in elbow plank position with your roller placed beneath your quads.

2. Roll your body forward and backward using your elbows as a hinge, let the roller go all the way from the hip down to the top of the knee (but not over the knee). 

3. Roll for 15 - 20 seconds.

If you’re new to rolling your quads, this may feel uncomfortable. The more you roll, the less intense this will feel. Keep going and keep rolling!


3. Neck & Shoulder Stretch

This roller stretch relieves tension in your neck and shoulders.

1. Prop up on your roller beneath your neck.

2. Roll your head from side to side on the roller.

3. Do this for 15 - 20 seconds.

Try this roller stretch before you go to bed each night!

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