It Doesn't Come in a Bottle

This is a really hard question to ask, but…

Are you addicted to Ibuprofen?

If the answer is “yes,” then you are in good company because so many people are.

I have decided to write about it in hopes that this will give people hope that they can find alternative ways to deal with pain and feel better in their mind and body!

I have students that tell me that they have to take Ibuprofen before they work out in order to go through movements without pain.

Some of my students confess that they take it before they stretch with me because they worry that it will be painful.

Some people tell me that they take it first thing in the morning to avoid a possible headache that may come on during the day.

The reasons for taking ibuprofen go on and on and on…

It seems to me that the more it is taken, the more it is taken.

Maybe the thought is that since it can be purchased over the counter and not with a prescription, it is not strong enough to be addicting?

Let’s dive into that thought:

What is Ibuprofen?

It is used to relieve pain from various conditions.

It is also used to reduce fever and minor aches and pains due to the common cold or flu.

It works by blocking your body’s production of certain “natural substances” that cause pain and inflammation.

It should only be taken on an “as needed” basis. Not on a regular schedule.

As WebMD says, “Remember that pain medications work best if they are used at the first sign of pain occurring. If you wait until the pain has worsened, the medication may not work as well.”


“They say” take it before, take it during, and then you are hooked and take it after!

Why not?

It takes away our pain. That’s a good thing, right?

Well, if you Google “what is ibuprofen,” more information is given about its side effects, precautions, and overdoses than its benefits. They are even giving out free coupons for you to buy and try it.


So, taking it often and long term causes worse things in our body besides pain.

No, thank you!

As for me, I am just not a pill taker. I have always struggled to swallow them which is possibly why I have always tried to find a more natural path. I have taken Ibuprofen at times, but only in extreme cases and it did help. So, I do understand the benefit it can have in certain cases, but not on a regular basis.

You see, I believe there is a better way!

Movement is medicine for our body.

The more we move, the better we feel, not just physically, but mentally too.

When we move, blood flow/circulation, oxygen, nutrition, hydration run like crazy through our body.

Movement also enhances our elimination system process and helps to rid our body of toxins.

And remember that blood flow is the natural healer for our body.

When we stop moving, the processes I just listed above all slow down.

We feel tired and have no energy.

Usually, we stop moving because of the pain we feel when we do move. It is our body’s natural response to not want to move through this pain.

So, here comes Ibuprofen to the rescue.

Remember, Ibuprofen blocks the body’s production of certain “natural substances” that cause pain and inflammation.

Well, I am here to tell you that pain relief doesn’t have to come in a bottle. The more you take, the more you take and the pain will continue.

One of my favorite quotes applies here:

“If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream!”

Bottom Line: If our body has pain and we don’t find the source… the source will find us!

And please understand that if you are experiencing pain with movement, you are not alone here. We are all on this journey together.

Research shows that our bodies decrease flexibility and range of motion by 10% every decade….unless we help it out — by stretching it out!

Pain shows up in our body mostly from tight muscle tissue that shortens and causes pain/injury to not only our muscles, but joints as well.

Over time, we get “stuck” in our body. YUCK!

So… wait for it… WHY DON’T WE STRETCH?

Let’s help our body out and open it up, allowing it to heal itself naturally and not from a bottle. That is what our bodies are designed to do! If we give it a chance, it will.

And maybe, when we get more blood, oxygen and hydration flowing better throughout our body, our headaches will also diminish?

It’s worth a try!

Come on, people… let’s give our body a chance to help itself.

Stretch of the Day:


Chair Hamstring Stretch

This stretch is great for your hamstrings!

1. Grab a chair, any chair.

2. Facing the seat of the chair and holding on to the back, place the heel of one foot in the seat.

3. With a tiny bend in each knee, lean forward into the lifted leg for an amazing hamstring and glute stretch.

4. Hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat with the other leg.


These are a Few of My Favorite Things:

Book Recommendation: The Boy, the Mole, The Fox and the Horse, by Charlie Mackesy

My new favorite book that is a must read for those who want to be inspired and be reminded that there is good in the world. It will lift your spirits!

Quote to Ponder:

“Isn’t it odd? We can only see our outsides, but nearly everything happens on the inside.”

— Charlie Mackesy (from The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse)


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