This is How it Goes: The Risks of NOT Stretching

This is how it goes...

Muscles tighten as we do daily life and climb in age...

When muscles tighten, they shorten…

When muscles shorten, they restrict range of motion and cause pain in our joints…

When joints become painful, we move less…

When we move less, joints stiffen and body functions slow down…

When body functions slow down, circulation of blood and oxygen is reduced…

When circulation is reduced, other health issues occur…

Now we are so tight that we can’t move without pain, so we restrict our mobility even more to avoid it.

And then we are set up for even more health issues.

You know what I’m going to say...

Can we just stretch already?!

Remember: movement is medicine.

If we don’t STRETCH, we get STUCK IN OUR BODIES.

End of story!

I am shouting this from the mountaintop, because I am trying to wake up anyone who will listen to me.

We have to help our bodies out by elongating tight muscle tissue and relieving our joints so that we can stay mobile, active and independent and PAIN FREE!

It can be done with only 10 minutes of stretching each day.

Here is a scary statistic for you:

9 out of 10 of my stretching students have had a joint replacement or surgery. 9 out of 10! That’s a shocking number.

All of these students say that they wish they had known the benefits of stretching before they had their surgery. It possibly could have been avoided.  

If we can find the time to work out and engage in other hobbies, surely we can find time to stretch!

You see, a long muscle is a strong muscle. And a tight muscle is a weak muscle.

Stretching each day is a form of “corrective exercise,” taking care of our bodies from the inside out.

Stretching keeps us in the game of life—NOT sidelined.

The benefits are too good to pass up...

Stretching improves our body’s ability to move through ranges of motion with more ease and reduces the risk of injury.

Research shows that stretching can also enhance brain function and relieve stress and tension in the body. The brain knows when we do something good for our body and rewards us for helping it out!  

I care deeply for every person on this planet; my goal is to reach as many as I can to spread the good news that no one has to be “stuck in their body.”  

The benefits of stretching are life changing and if you have read this far, you know it!

Let’s change “how it goes…”

Keep stretching—then stretch some more!

