What This Pandemic is Teaching Me: The True Power in Pausing

I received an email from my bookkeeper this week. She emailed me to say that she had been thinking of me and the name of my company. She said “how profound The Power To Pause seemed to her during these stressful times.”  

Since everyone in the world is “Pausing,” the word “Power” made her feel positive about it.

She was gaining strength and inspiration from looking at the powerful positive side of this pandemic rather than the anxious negative side.

Her statement has not left my brain since I read it. 

She “Paused” from her busy day to reach out to me and send me this kind, thoughtful, and uplifting email.

Normally, she may have had the thought to take a minute and reach out to someone, but not had the time to stop her busy schedule.  

She lifted my spirit which made me want to reach out and write this blog post in hopes that it will lift yours as well.

The “Pause” button is one we usually rarely press.

We go about our daily lives and routines, go to bed, get up, and repeat.

During this difficult time when the entire world has been forced to “Pause,” it really does feel “Powerful” since we are all in this together. We are all safe at home connecting with our families and friends on a deeper level. We are making a difference in the curve, not just for ourselves, but for everyone.  

We are learning what is truly important—and what is NOT!

Maybe our values are changing as well.

Maybe, since we have more time, we are looking more inward than outward!

In my neighborhood, the streets are crowded with so many families spending quality time together: walking, biking, playing games in the yard.

This family time may never have happened—these deep connections never made—because we have always been too busy.

Even in this difficult time when stress and anxiety is extremely high—maybe the SILVER LINING is that we all GET TO PAUSE!

We can reevaluate our priorities, learn new ways of doing things, and take on projects that we otherwise had no time to pursue. We can rest, rejuvenate, and get recharged, refocused, and ready to take on the world when we get back in it!

As for me, I know that I am looking at life with different eyes.

The things I took for granted—no longer! 

I am truly grateful for my sweet bookkeeper for confirming to me that there truly is “Power” in “Pausing.”

I can see it... I hope you can too!

Keep your spirits HIGH!